Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pain ... It Really Does Hurt

This is the fourth night since the last radiation treatment. Even with pain killers and salves this wound is kicking my butt. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.


  1. Dwain,

    I have received your request for membership to the Merkel Cell Group at Google Groups this morning. I am working on a reply with a slight delay in approval.

    Yes, you will be approved but you need to reapply using your gmail email account. Give me ten minutes to get your email with instructions for gmail approval.

    1. I've tried several times but I can't get the application up to change to my gmail account

    2. I've tried several times but I can't get the application up to change to my gmail account

    3. I've tried several times but I can't get the application up to change to my gmail account

  2. Dwain, Sorry for the difficulty. Set up a new gmail account. After setting up your new gmail account, login to the gmail account and then select this link.

    merkel cell cancer https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/merkelcell
    Patient, family member, or caretaker w/MCC can join. We are not health care professionals nor are we offering medical advice, just support for MCC. MCC Info.

    Just sign up as you did before with your original reason for joining.


  3. Dwain,

    Here is a quick solution.

    Send me your gmail email address to my MCC Admin account (used to reply to your request to join the Google Group for merkel cell cancer). I can then approve and set up your MCC account.
