We finished the Wednesday radiation session yesterday afternoon and I'm up late tonight, well actually Thursday morning, trying to get enough courage to go to bed and try to get some sleep. I have 12 more treatments to go through so I 'm posting these photos of my forearm as a reference point a little more than halfway through these treatments.
This is a view of the top of my right forearm. There appear to be a lot of freckles on my arm that were not there before. Under a magnifying glass inspection I discovered that each of the new brown spots were in fact burnt skin spots that were turning into small boils.
This is a side view of my right forearm showing the scar from the tumor removal site. There are patches of skin that are being destroyed a little faster than most.
This another view of the same area.
This is a top view of my right hand and wrist. The noticeable things in this photo are my swollen hand and arm. What appears as a dent in my forearm is actually the result of the removal of a large section of skin that went with the tumor. The swelling occurs because of the fluid trapped in my arm that can't get out. The removal of the lymph nodes under my arm prevents the fluid in my arm from circulating back into my torso normally. Once the radiation treatments are done I'll have some therapy to teach me how to massage some of the fluid back up my arm and then I'll wear a compression sleeve on this arm forever after that.
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